To help people discover and embrace the new life God offers through Christ-centered worship, training, and outreach.
There is life available in Jesus Christ. He has promised to give life eternal (John 3:16) and abundant (John 10:10) to those who are His by faith. Life eternal and abundant—together—comprise the new life we speak of.
We want to help you discover this new life, that you might recognize and receive the wonder of what He provides. So many live apart from God and unaware of the life He offers. We purpose to change that.
We want to help you embrace this new life, that you might take hold of His promises by faith. We purpose to help you live out that faith as an effective, ever-developing Christian.
We seek to accomplish these purposes through dynamic worship and biblical training, as we reach out to and serve our world as the Body of Christ. This mission is based upon the timeless and timely principles of Scripture (Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 2:42–47). We hope that you will join us soon!